水果机平台注册官网FarEast is the Chinese subsidiary of 水果机平台注册官网 S.p.A., and the new Shanghai office is equipped with a modern Training Center with structures that simulate different operational scenarios.
水果机平台注册官网 is organized with a quality management system certified UNI EN ISO 9001 for the planning and delivery of training services for professional purposes, paying particular attention to safety in the workplace.
The standard courses are in catalog or customized according to specific needs, always complying with current legislation.
Training activities are delivered in our indoor structure, equipped to carry out theoretical and practical sessions, or, if requested, at the customer's premises. 水果机平台注册官网 teachers are qualified and experienced with the skills required by current legislation.
水果机平台注册官网 also has a reminding system that allows customers to be notified about necessary updating training, when applicable.
The courses are in Chinese and on request in English.