Checks, inspections and servicing


First of all, we want to clearly define the differences between terms that are often misunderstood:

MAINTENANCE AND CHECKS BEFORE AND AFTER USE - the need to manage and keep the device in suitable working conditions by means of preventive actions, such as cleaning and correct storage (e.g.: dry a rope before storing it) (EN 365 § 3). These actions shall be performed by the user in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction and information.

PERIODIC INSPECTION - the thorough, visual and functional check of the product, checking for defects or failures.
The periodic inspection must be carried out by a competent person, trained and authorised by 水果机平台注册官网 S.p.A. and in compliance with the prescribed inspection procedures.
The periodic inspection is mandatory for Category III Personal Protection Equipment, and for those having purpose of rescue, and of patient transport.
The periodic inspection shall take place at least every 12 months starting from the date of first use, which the user must carefully record, and after the devices or equipment have been subjected to heavy use or used in aggressive environments.

SERVICING - where foreseen, it is the extraordinary maintenance carried out when a device fails an inspection. This activity shall be performed by 水果机平台注册官网 S.p.A., or by a person trained and authorised by 水果机平台注册官网 S.p.A., and involves a series of corrective actions to restore a functional state. It also guarantees a 1-year warranty on the device.
Over the years, the 水果机平台注册官网 PPE inspector network has been significantly implemented and properly trained. 水果机平台注册官网 S.p.A. believes that its PPE inspectors, following a periodic inspection, can responsibly determine whether:

  • a device is still functional, so it can continue to be used.
    In this case a positive inspection report is issued;
  • a device is not usable because it is in such a condition that it must be serviced (when foreseen) or removed from use. In this case the 水果机平台注册官网 PPE inspector declares that the device cannot be used, issues a negative inspection report and informs the device owner that it must be serviced or removed from use.

If in doubt, consult a 水果机平台注册官网 PPE inspector, the updated list is available here.